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» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور الجزایر The philosophy of Orodism in Algeria
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:59 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور کانادا The philosophy of Orodism in Canada
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:58 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور پرو The philosophy of Orodism in Peru
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:57 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور نیکاراگوئه The philosophy of Orodism in Nicaragua
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:56 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور آرژانتین The philosophy of Orodism in Argentina
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:55 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور بوسنی و هرزگوین The philosophy of Orodism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:39 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور قرقیزستان The philosophy of Orodism in Kyrgyzstan
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:35 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور ارمنستان The philosophy of Orodism in Armenia
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:33 am من طرف ریحانه

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور گویان The philosophy of Orodism in Guyana
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Emptyالسبت يوليو 24, 2021 2:32 am من طرف ریحانه

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55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
baran - 977
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
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55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
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55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
Parmida - 303
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
نوشین آریا - 197
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
aryan - 160
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
روزبه شریفی - 106
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
kami - 52
55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 
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55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_rcap55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Voting_bar55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Vote_lcap 

55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher

اذهب الى الأسفل

55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher Empty 55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher

پست من طرف نگین الجمعة يونيو 11, 2021 3:48 am

Never allow someone who has knowingly or unknowingly tarnished your reputation to approach you. Even if he apologizes a thousand times.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Inappropriate jokes cause regret.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Do not judge others too soon.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

One who has humanity does not judge others quickly and easily.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Avoid people who easily judge others.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

We can not judge others on the Internet just by looking at a picture or commenting, grieve and smile into the sludge of our insults. Indeed, if we look closely, most of our judgments have been the product of ignorance and lack of awareness.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Even the purest person has many enemies.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Enemy ! Is the enemy. Never be deceived by his flattery.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Enmity gives a person time to rediscover his abilities.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

If your enemy approaches you with a happy face, be silent in front of him and leave him alone.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

If you have a dangerous enemy, instead of hiding, try to inform everyone about your plight.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Always be ready to respond to the attack of the enemies of our land.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Those who constantly remember their enemy, unknowingly, aggrandize him.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The best shield against enemies is wisdom.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Enmity and rivalry motivate the wise man to live.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The enemy seeks the means to destroy man inside his house.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Do not despise your enemies. you should known them more than themselves and be ready for the campaign.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The result of talking to an ignorant person is two things: first, losing a part of life, and second, getting caught up in the absurd and worthless assumption.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

In the life of the ignorant, the result of one knot is thousands of unbreakable knots.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The gift of stoop against the ignorant is double difficulty.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

How many ignorant people do not return the kindness of the worthy.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The sword of the ignorant who stand against the wise is stubbornness and self-praise.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The ignorant are always tired of their greed.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Only the ignorant rejoice in mocking others.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

At the end of the dead-end streets of life, you will meet the ignorant again and again.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

If your friend is an ignorant and rumour monger person, you will soon be captivated by delusions and blackness of heart.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The most scandalous people are the deceivers.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The deceiver and the evil thinker will have no position. His last and scariest learning is loneliness.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher AhowF3h

55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher 9lZ44Hg

55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher CenosjI

55 Great Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani The world's greatest philosopher GVw4qnw

By deception, something may be achieved, but this achievement will destroy man.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

A noble person does not become a bully. It is a lowly person who becomes an evil and a demon.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The thoughts of lowly people are always involved in the branches and leaves, they are always afraid of paying attention to the roots, as if they are waiting for others to say what they wanna say, so that they are less harmed.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Lowly people, their secrets are also small.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

How soon the eyes of the lowly people will be filled.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

inferior people, at best, have many excuses for their wrongdoings and failure to fulfill their responsibilities.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

The lowly man always wants more than his right.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

One cannot hope that lowly people will keep big secrets.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Birth and progress in everything is the excuse of life.
-The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
گستره جهانی اردیسم Orodism

تعداد پستها : 562
امتیاز : 188516
اعتبار : 60
تاريخ التسجيل : 2011-08-28

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